Sir Robert Borden Junior High

January 8th, 2018

Message from Mr. Gannon:

There will be a basketball practice today from 2.15 to 4 pm.
Our first game will be tomorrow, Tuesday, @ Gaetzbrook Jr. High.

Also: Could the boys’ basketball team please come to room 115 immediately.

Message from Mr. Swinemer:

Chess club today anyone interested in learning how to play or improving their game, please come and join us in Mr. Fingerhut’s room at lunch time.

Message from Mr. Regan:
Girls Basketball Team meets in the gym at the start of lunch to get their jerseys.
Intramurals will start up again today, please make sure to clean up your own garbage and food so that we won't have to cancel them again.

Message from Mr. Lukenda:
There is still plenty of room for the Ski trip. Please see Mr. Lukenda for a permission form.
This message is for all the students who had Fitbits for the month of December.  Please return the Fitbits to Lukenda by this Friday so that I may redistribute them for January.