Sir Robert Borden Junior High

February 9th, 2018

Message from the Girls Basketball Team:
Reminder that the girls’basketball team has a practice here in the gym today from 2.30 to 4 pm.

Message from Ms. Vail:
Candy Grams are being sold today, Monday and Tuesday during the nutrition break outside Mrs. Tobin’s room for $1 each.

Message from Mrs. Fear:
Use this time for practice, work on tricky music or come along and give yourself time to make sure your project is finished.

Message from Mr. Jollimore:
Announcement for students going on the Quebec trip.

For students going on the Quebec trip, the second payment of $100 is now due. If you have not paid yet please see Mrs. Swain in the office. In addition, if parents or students are interested in participating in the blueberry fundraiser, please have your parents contact the office. Any money raised by you during this fundraiser goes towards your trip!

In addition, there will be a brief meeting of students going on the trip in Mr. Jollimore’s room at the start of lunch today. This meeting will be very brief, so please be there on time. We will be discussing room assignments at the hotel during the trip.

Message from Mrs. Kennedy:
February is the African Heritage Month. We will have a question each day. Students please send the answer to the office. Every Friday we will have a draw for a prize at the end of the day.

Today’s question is:
What famous wrestler and movie star has Nova Scotian roots in Cherrybrook?

SRB Motto:     Be kind and leave your mark.