Sir Robert Borden Junior High

May 15th, 2018

Message from Mrs. Fear:
There is a mandatory band meeting this Wednesday at lunch time. The concert is coming soon. If you want to come down and practise please do so.

Message from Mr. Lukenda:
Due to lack of student interest, the Girls softball team has been shelved for the sad :(

Message from Mr. Parker:
Boys Softball Sign up sheet is outside Mr. Lukenda's room. Please sign up this week to make sure we have enough players for a team. 

Message from Mr. Jollimore:
Attention Quebec students, if you have not yet handed in your forms for the Quebec trip to Mr. Jollimore, please do so as soon as possible. In addition, there are still a few students who have amounts owing for the trip. Please see Mr. Jollimore or Mrs. Swain in the office to confirm if you have a balance owing.

There will be no gym intermural today.

SRB Motto:     Be kind and leave your mark.