Sir Robert Borden Junior High

February 24th, 2021

1. With teacher's permission, all students involved with video announcements, please see Mrs. Sabadash in the office for a schedule after announcements.

2. Mount Saint Vincent University is offering a girls conference online that would be done through Google Meet here at school. It is free to attend. Topics include Body Image, Becoming an ally, anti-racism, and social media. They will be held March 5th from 10:00-2:00 pm during the school day. Any girls interested in participating, please see Mrs. Abbott in the office to register!

3. The second session for all students who attended the Empowering Black Youth workshop last week will be at the same time on March 1st. The burrito orders have been placed!

4. Teacher workout for today has been cancelled.

5. Fun Fact: Mi’kmaw stories refer to Kejimkujik as the “land of the fairies”. That’s why this National Park and National Historic Site is so magical.