Sir Robert Borden Junior High

December 15th, 2017

Message from Mr. Lukenda:
It is not too late to go on the ski/snowboard trip.  Come see Lukenda for the permission form.

Message from Ms. Vail:
We are still collecting supplies for the children in Haiti until Monday. It is a close race between a few different classes!

Message from the Office:
This coming Monday some grade 9 students will have a bake sale in the lobby of the school.  All sweets are delicious! So bring cash and enjoy a cookie or a cupcake!

Do you want to send a candy gram to a friend the last day of school? The Grade 9 students will be selling them today. They will go from class to class.  You can buy them till Dec. 19.

Sir Robert Borden Motto is:       
Be kind and leave your mark!