Sir Robert Borden Junior High

January 31st, 2018

Message from our SRB Boys Basketball Team:
The boys basketball team won their game on Monday, 55 to 36 against Carrefour. Game led Nutay Berry with 16 points, James Fitzgerald 13 points, Martino Williams 11 points and Nate Slawter 10 points.

Message from Ms Fear:
We will have a 7-8-9 Band rehearsal combined. Come along if you want to play.

Message from Mr. Lukenda:
Guess what. Today is the last announcement about our big ski trip. We usually have a lot of fun. Any form needs to be handed in to Mr. Lukenda today.

Message from the Office:

Attention all Students: All art and tech projects are due this Friday. The switch over from art to tech and tech to art will begin next Monday.

There will also be a bake sale of cookies, cupcakes, brownies and water today. The money would go to the next payment for the Quebec Trip. There look delicious! Come now at break and at lunch time! 

Message from Mrs. Vail:
There will be a Me to We/ Student Leadership Meeting tday at lunch inMiss Vail’s room. New members are welcome.

SRB Motto:
Be kind and leave your mark.